Circular Economy

Circular Economy is the only truly sustainable model that allows people to produce and consume and, in parallel, serve the planet.

The cycles

Ideally, all raw materials should remain in the cycle. A distinction is made between a technical cycle, characterised for example by the reuse of products or materials, and a biological cycle, which ideally leads to the natural composting of products and returns nutrients to nature. See graphic at the top of the page.

Both cycles, the technical and the biological, are influenced by many other criteria, the energy used, the avoidance of toxins or the creation of microplastics, but also social components. All measures should lead towards a comprehensively sustainable form of economy. In as many places and countries as possible.

Circular Economy
Circular Economy

In 2015, the heads of state and government of the 193 member states of the UN jointly adopted an Agenda 2030 in New York City. This is the largest agreement ever concluded worldwide at such a high level of government. This gave rise to the UN Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are interlinked and take into account all three dimensions of sustainability: social, environmental and economic. Therefore, the Circular Economy is ideal as an instrument for implementation.

Circular Economy

nice has set itself the task of providing companies with optimal support in this regard and promoting the Circular Economy to target sales groups and stakeholders at the same time.

From our point of view, the decisive success factor for the implementation of a circular economy, if possible globally, is the activation of the sales target groups. Classic marketing offers the means for this without any problems. They are currently not being used due to a strongly felt uncertainty on the part of the OEMs. We understand this in the sense of comprehensibility. However, we believe it is wrong in the medium and long term. Our purpose here is to encourage and strengthen our customers with great strategies and ideas for taking positions such as thought and action leadership, which can have an unparalleled brand effect and serve the common cause in every respect.

Circular Economy

Die Definition von Circular Economy

Circular Economy ist dreierlei: Ein Kompass für Unternehmen, die echte Nachhaltigkeit und ihre unternehmerische Zukunft in Einklang bringen möchten. Ein systemischer Veränderungsansatz für den Umgang mit Ressourcen und nachhaltigen Konsum. Und ein Rahmen für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen, von Politik bis Abfallwirtschaft. nice hat daher eine pragmatische, unideologische Definition erarbeitet. Diese wird sich sicher noch weiterentwickeln aber wir sind überzeugt, dass zielgerichtetes Handeln und sinnvolles Diskutieren gleichermaßen eine gute Ausgangsbasis brauchen. Diese möchten wir mit unserer Definition anbieten.

nice e.V. 2022. Biological and technical cycle in the circular economy

Why is sustainability communication without the risk of been caught red handed of greenwashing actually quite simple?

Why is sustainability communication without the risk of been caught red handed of greenwashing actually quite simple?

In simple terms, sustainability communication is a form of marketing communication that involves attributes considered “green.” Some manufacturers ...

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We, nice network initiative circular economy e.V. (Club seat: Germany), process personal data for the operation of this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in our privacy policy.