Sustainabilty Communication & Marketing ||
Strategy, Project Management, Services, Workshops

green communication and branding - really now?

having your company’s own definition of sustainability and explaining it to everyone with immediate effect is possible. we support you in this.

lean structure. bold project management skills.

our great, friendly team looks forward to working for you every day. with excellent project management. from taking responsibility to managing service providers and directly supporting your teams.


all channels. but only the right ones!

content marketing. strategy. brand development and design. websites. shops. print. performance marketing and social media. consulting. workshops. teambuilding. events. trade fairs.

greenwashing is not an option any more

we combine doing great marketing and neutralising the risks arising from competition law and EU directives.


be nice´s mission is

to offer you companies great and clever marketing so that you can act with confidence in the face of the complexity of omnipresent sustainability communication. You need certainty that your markets understand and support your efforts!
We take away your worries about negative consequences (greenwashing risks) and free up energy for transformation and identification with your strategy!

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be nice´s mission is


Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (Part 2 – detailed explainations)

Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (Part 2 – detailed explainations)

The Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition (“Empowering Consumers Directive” / “EmpCo”) will apply as German ...

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Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (PART 1 – Nutshell)

Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (PART 1 – Nutshell)

Starting from September 2026, there will be a new mandatory regulation regarding all remotely “green” advertising claims and ...

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Why is sustainability communication without the risk of been caught red handed of greenwashing actually quite simple?

Why is sustainability communication without the risk of been caught red handed of greenwashing actually quite simple?

In simple terms, sustainability communication is a form of marketing communication that involves attributes considered “green.” Some manufacturers ...

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A few facts and figures

58 %



of the “green” advertising claims made by companies are exaggerated, misleading, or false. And since 2024, legally very risky! be nice not only possesses marketing expertise but also the legal knowledge to help you communicate successfully without greenwashing.

85 %

Sustainability Marketing

Sustainability Marketing

of people are not yet ready to change their lifestyle for sustainability. This is due to a lack of visibility and branding of readily perceived equivalent alternatives for them. There is only one response to this: Better marketing of the alternatives!


CO2 saving potential

CO2 saving potential

According to current studies, millions of tonnes of CO2 can be saved annually in the EU alone through feasible Circular Economy approaches


Textile landfills

Textile landfills

of textiles produced worldwide each year end up in landfills


Scope 3

Scope 3

of the CO2 footprint of an average company originates from the supply chain (Scope 3). Therefore, you are the CO2 footprint of your customers. This is where genuine sustainability communication comes in, fostering innovative and success-promoting branding.


Circular Wiki

Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (Part 2 – detailed explainations)

Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (Part 2 – detailed explainations)

The Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition (“Empowering Consumers Directive” / “EmpCo”) will apply as German ...

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Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (PART 1 – Nutshell)

Information on EU regulations on marketing with sustainability // What companies need to know legally about green claims (PART 1 – Nutshell)

Starting from September 2026, there will be a new mandatory regulation regarding all remotely “green” advertising claims and ...

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Why is sustainability communication without the risk of been caught red handed of greenwashing actually quite simple?

Why is sustainability communication without the risk of been caught red handed of greenwashing actually quite simple?

In simple terms, sustainability communication is a form of marketing communication that involves attributes considered “green.” Some manufacturers ...

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Power of the Circular Community Unleashed

Power of the Circular Community Unleashed

In Germany, we have not yet fully grasped the global power of the circular economy and still associate ...

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Paper and Sustainability – Exploring Eco-Conscious Printing in 2024

Paper and Sustainability – Exploring Eco-Conscious Printing in 2024

In the year 2024, amidst the global push for eco-consciousness, individuals and businesses alike are striving to align ...

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Funding from Go-Digital for marketing and digital projects as well as funding for investments, such as renewable energies

Funding from Go-Digital for marketing and digital projects as well as funding for investments, such as renewable energies

be nice provides targeted support in the acquisition of funding and project financing. Marketing and digital projects are ...

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A great complement to our Cradle to Cradle philosophy. I can recommend be nice to every small and medium-sized company that wants to implement the Circular Economy in practice and thereby significantly secure its future.
As well as that of all of us!

Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart
Gründer - Cradle to Cradle + EPEA


If you can’t reach us by phone, click on the calendar icon and arrange a time for a call or web meeting with just a few clicks.

We look forward to hearing from you, or you can simply use the contact form.

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We, nice network initiative circular economy e.V. (Club seat: Germany), process personal data for the operation of this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in our privacy policy.
Data protection
We, nice network initiative circular economy e.V. (Club seat: Germany), process personal data for the operation of this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in our privacy policy.