The Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition (“Empowering Consumers Directive” / “EmpCo”) will apply as German ...
Social Improvements through Circular Economy: The UN Sustainable Development Goals as Inspiration and Guideline
Another important factor in thinking about the further development of our economy and its interaction with the environment and the climate is “social”. By this, of course, we colloquially understand issues such as fairness, justice, diversity, human rights or animal welfare.
In the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, the triad au
Here is a three-minute video in which Prof. Joachim von Braun from the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn explains the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Read on below to find out how nice deals with them.
Through this, the international community has recognized that challenges of sustainable development, such as the global fight against hunger and poverty, can only be solved by respecting principles of the earth’s ecological limits and social justice.
For some time now, counter-movements to free enterprise have been emerging in Western industrialized nations, often with social motivations in addition to sustainability considerations.
Keywords include distributive justice, linkages of economic and political power, international supply chains and their implications for the environment and human rights.
Through this, some sustainability initiatives have claimed an additional thematic mandate for themselves, namely to understand the elimination of social imbalances as part of the sustainability movement, in this case the Circular Economy.
We at nice e.V. do not want to avoid this tangible and highly topical issue. It is relevant and it is also justified in many parts, in order to make a future worth living on earth possible for all of us and our descendants, also under social aspects.
We believe that the Circular Economy can have the power to do good in the social sphere as well.
Because the Circular Economy means demonstrating a much greater awareness of the quality of products, processes, and the way we treat people, nature, and resources.
We are convinced that a product that is “beautifully” conceived and constructed in the circular sense, and made from excellent raw materials, and that has been created, packaged and transported in controlled compliance with all the necessary requirements, represents a major step forward.
It is unlikely that such a product will come from the same sweat stores and be produced in the same uncharitable manner and under the same socially and ecologically incompatible conditions as some products that we all still consume in today’s Western European everyday life with a self-evidence that can no longer be tolerated.
No product or brand names need to be mentioned here, every reader will immediately have the corresponding negative examples from his or her own life, job, clothes or refrigerator in mind.
We are sure that with our approach to become better together, to understand circularity as a guideline for a better economy, social aspects will automatically be subject to a strong positive change.
This is equally true for transparency, equality, new-work and leadership issues.
We are all learning that we need to prioritize in order to be self-effective. At nice, we need to do that too in order to achieve real impact.
Our nice approach is based on our founders’ decades of individual experience in the B2B marketing, sales and consulting world and the conviction that small and medium-sized businesses in particular are capable of tremendous achievements. We are also convinced that positive consumption is possible and desirable, and that a world consisting only of renunciation cannot be a place worth living in.
Circularity is for us, however, not a mental “closed store”. We are not interested in exclusivity, the exclusion of ideas, concepts, products, materials. We are interested in inclusion of anything that makes sense, can create great products, help heal past mistakes, and bring us all a positive future.
We are confident that we can make a difference in transforming the producer-customer system for the better. This is what we want to focus on and concentrate on.
The starting points for the Circular Economy are literally endless. After all, the good thing about circularity is, no matter where we start to improve, it can’t be the wrong place, it can’t be the wrong time.
Circular Economy has the power to make our future better! Be part of it, join nice e.V., we network you with each other as well as with our great service collective, open minds, hearts and the target groups for your great products.
The future of the world is a circle.